Most of us know Patrick Swayze as the heartthrob actor from the 80s and 90s in movies like “Road House” and “Ghost.” But as you may have noticed in the movie “Dirty Dancing” that Swayze was a phenomenal dancer.
That’s because Swayze is actually the son of a choreographer and trained in classical ballet during his time in high school.
It was 21 years ago that Swayze, who was also a singer/songwriter, performed an incredible dance on international television. And that performance is now going viral with more than 24 million views on YouTube.

“Was there anything Patrick couldn’t do?” one YouTuber asked. “He acts, sings, plays guitar, dances like he’s floating on air, flies planes, excellent horseman, wonderful husband &, oh yeah, he’s gorgeous too!”
Swayze and his wife, Lisa Niemi, were both invited to perform at the World Music Awards in 1994 where they performed a dance to Whitney Houston’s “All the Man That I Need,” in honor of Houston.
Through their graceful movements, Swayze and his wife were able to tell a beautiful love story.

Their dance is filled with tender and sensual displays as Swayze and Niemi seem to moves with the ease of liquid to envoke the feelings of love and intimacy between two people who care for each other.
The way they move in unison is just outstanding and creates such beauty and passion.
“Dancing of such high caliber goes beyond physical coordination,” one man commented on YouTube. “When two people dance with such precision it involves the heart and is steeped in emotional content. They merge and become one soul, that is why they move in such beautiful unison. It is a rare thing for a woman to find a soul partner like Patrick Swayze. His loss has impacted not only his wife but many movie producers who were hoping to do a movie project with him.”

Their performance seems completely effortless. Maybe that’s because the real love between the couple was so strong. Swayze was married to Niemi for 34 years before he lost his battle with cancer in 2009.
The two met in 1970 when Swayze was 18-years-old and Niemi was 14-years-old.
She was taking dance lessons with Swayze’s mother and the couple was married five years later in 1975. Their performance was so moving that they received a roaring applause from an invigorated crowd. You can watch their beautiful performance below.
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